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  1. Beringer, C.K., Bothell, J.K., Morgan, T.B., Kastengren, A.L., and Heindel, T.J., High-Speed X-ray Flow Characterization of a Liquid Jet, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, In review. 

  2. Beringer, C.K., Wei, B., Hwang, C., Vande Loo, S., and Sanders, E., “Exploring Wearable Technology: Design Attributes of Solar-Powered Book Bags Concerning Millennials", Clothing and Textile Research Journal, In process. 

  3. Beringer, C.K. and Vande Loo, S., "Exploring Wearable Technology: Design Attributes of Solar-Powered Book Bags Concerning Millennials", ITAA Conference Proceedings, November 2018. 

Publications/Presentations: Experience


April 2019

National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA 

“Exploring Wearable Technology: Prototyping of Solar Powered Book Bags”. Oral presentation. 

April 2019

Iowa State University Symposium on Undergraduate Research & Creative Expression, Ames, IA 
“Exploring Wearable Technology: Prototyping of Solar Powered Book Bags”. Poster presentation.

December 2019

Iowa State Honors Capstone Presentation, Ames, IA 
“Exploring Wearable Technology: Prototyping of Solar Powered Book Bags”. Poster presentation.

November 2018

American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, GA 

“High-Speed X-ray Flow Visualization of a Liquid Jet”. Oral presentation. 

November 2018

International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Cleveland, OH 

“Exploring Wearable Technology: Design Attributes of Solar Powered Book Bags Concerning Generation Y”. Oral presentation.

Received 1st place for Undergraduate Student Best Paper 

Spring 2018

National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 

“Solar Apparel”. Oral presentation. 

Spring 2018

Iowa State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 
“Exploring Wearable Technology: Design Attributes of Solar Powered Book Bags Concerning Generation Y”. Oral presentation.

Spring 2017 & Spring 2016

Iowa State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 

“Exploring Wearable Technology: Solar Powered Book Bags”. Poster presentation. 

Spring 2017

Research in the Capitol, Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates, Capitol Building, Des Moines, IA 
“Exploring Wearable Technology: Solar Powered Book Bags”. Poster presentation.

Publications/Presentations: Experience
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